
Designing with Intention

As designers, we are often called on to make difficult design decisions, and we want to believe that our design decisions are objective. But in reality, they are not. We usually make assumptions based on our aesthetic preferences, experiences, and beliefs. So how do we solve this problem? The key is in the intention. Filtering every decision through intention will help us fight our subjective nature.

The goal:

To achieve the ‘goal’, one must define their intention and come up with an action plan. This plan need not be perfect, unique, or the only solution. It may even reveal hidden traps and walls as well as treasures. Nevertheless, it will help them to understand their every decision and aid further in achieving their ‘goal’ in the future.

Design is a plan for action within constraints. It’s the strategic combination of different ideas and disciplines working towards a purpose: to solve a problem, communicate information, or reinforce a message.

A successful design should reflect its intention and purpose!

“Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design, it’s decoration.” – Jeffrey Zeldman.

 “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” – Steve Jobs.


  • Define — Describe the goal and its challenges.
  • Simplify — Take the challenge and break it into pieces.
  • Minimize — Throw away all the unnecessary stuff.
  • Focus — Pay attention to who you are designing for.
  • Learn — Search the hell out of the industry and the competition.
  • Get inspired — Keep an open eye, mouth, and mind.
  • Evaluate — Do a regular reality check.

“Design decisions should always point back to people.”

It’s helpful to talk about our projects, be open to suggestions, and let our ideas get challenged. We need to be always open to exploring different directions, solutions, or trends.

Questions to ask yourself while evaluating your design:

  • Am I still on the right path?
  • Is my plan aligned with my intention?
  • Are the people in the center of it?
  • Is there anything unnecessary?
  • Am I proud of what is forming?
  • Am I solving a problem?
  • Am I maybe creating more problems in the process?

We might have the best intentions, but if we don’t take the right actions, no one will ever know how much work we put into our work in the first place. Developing an action plan and following it is the best way to keep in touch with our intention and create successful designs.