
The question that kills innovation

Whenever making innovation in design, the freedom to be creative is always a huge part. In these past five years, we’ve come across many situations where right from the inception of a great idea, the design team stands through varied questions from clients that could be a barrier to delivering quality products.

If you want to drive more value and results from your design initiatives, what if I suggested to stop asking these questions?

Can you do more with less?
Most design teams face an investment crisis which indeed eventually becomes a drawback to their clients. When a company isn’t enthusiastic about the investment they make to create real value for its business, they have to face a severe outcome of the same. They either have to hire a less efficient team or compromise on the result of their enterprise branding.

“It’s ironic to expect a design team to create more business impact for their clients who don’t invest. “

What’s the ROI?
ROI is a controversial proposal. This question scares the innovation team and forces them to tell lies. They simply cannot answer it as it is too early to know what the ROI will be. So they either make up an answer and stretch the truth or throw buckets of speculative data at the question and hope no one notices that they aren’t answering it.

ROI is the measure of success for overall marketing initiatives—but it’s notoriously hard to predict.

What if an idea fails?
If your company cannot accept failure, the team automatically might hold back on new ideas. And even if they try and fail, they won’t do it again. They will fear retaliation against them. In an environment where they feel they cannot try and innovate, great ideas can quickly fizzle. Stay out of the predicting game. The team will test their ideas to prove their value and get back to you.

Shall we keep that for later?
If you focus on short-term goals, it may result in that might drive out ideas that take longer to mature. Ideas and thoughts don’t usually alter from time to time. If you work for everyday targets and not long-term benefits, you will probably lose out on innovation. Every activity has an opportunity cost.

It doesn’t need to be this way. Just find the right team and give them enough latitude. You’ll no longer need to be bothered about the outcome because the project will prove its value for the significant investments and time spent. Some ideas can be successfully and optimally executed only when the environment best enables them.