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Content comes first in the digital sphere
I have heard from many entrepreneurs that they feel skeptical about the solution they receive from their vendors. Most business firms suffer the outcome of building up the inappropriate solution advised by their vendors. This situation has become common these days, at least in our country. In most cases, the consumer is misled about the aspects of the brand. Or the brand itself faces failure in the hands of the people who build it.

Ends that never met
The design has often been a sophisticated solution that satisfies few constraints. But in real-time, especially when working with clients or different teams – these constraints are rarely addressed.

When it comes to consulting, boundaries are hardly clear and transparent. When it comes to design, boundaries often stretch into irrelevant directions.

Where the mistakes originate
In some cases, the clients often interfere in every aspect of what the design team is supposed to do. With the very little knowledge the clients own, they dictate the experts on every move where the actual transformation is under siege. Simply give them your expectation and let the experts do their job.

And on another case, they right away hire the incompetent team. Though your aspiration might be huge, in the wrong hands, what could end up in the market is highly questionable.

Has your vendor ever raised a question about your business objectives, the purpose of the service, and the solution that you have been looking for in your product? Why would you count on a team to take care of your brand communication when the primary objective of your company isn’t even understood by them?

Better to work as a cohesive team
With extensive brainstorming with clients and teams, we were able to make a breakthrough. One of the most valuable lessons I learned in design consulting was the importance of understanding our client’s needs.


Author Syed

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